Trainee Laura

Laura Krabath

Laura – tell us something about yourself!

I grew up in Längenfeld in Ötztal (Tyrol) with a younger brother and was well looked after. I was born into a family that is deeply rooted in tourism. Even while I was still at school, I was always supplementing my pocket money with jobs in tourism. After graduating from the Aufbaurealgymnasium Meinhardinum Stams (natural sciences branch), my path took me in a completely different direction – to study law.

What happened next?

I quickly realised that law was not my world. So, after careful consideration, I decided to drop out of university. My enthusiasm for tourism came to the fore again and I dared to make a new start. After a motivating conversation with Carina Winkler, I started my training as a hotel management assistant in December 2023.

How do you like it?

I love the contact with the guests and am happy when I can make their holiday at Chesa Monte an unforgettable experience through my work. I feel very comfortable and at home in the ‘Herzensmenschen’ team at Chesa Monte. The cooperation with my colleagues is characterised by appreciation and mutual support. I’ve already learnt a lot in the last few months and will also be consolidating my knowledge at the vocational school in Landeck from September 2024.

Of course, there are also tasks that challenge me personally and that I don’t enjoy doing 😉

Albert Einstein

‘I don’t have any special talent, I’m just passionately curious.’

Laura, what are your hobbies?

First and foremost TRAVELLING – my biggest dream is to visit every country in the world one day. As of August 2024, I’ve visited 27 out of 195 countries.
And then READING – according to the motto ‘The real adventures are in your head’. I never go anywhere without a book with me.

What do you like to read?

I read everything and a lot 🙂
My absolute favourite books are ‘The Shaman’ by Noah Gordon; “The Arena” by Stephen King; “Dream Collector” by Khaled Hosseini

To come back to travelling. Where is your next trip taking you?

My younger brother (who is a chef) is currently working in Paris – I will be visiting him with my father in October. I’m really looking forward to seeing him again and having him show us the city. Yes, and Lisbon is on the list for November – with my mum, from whom I probably inherited the ‘travel gene’. I’m guessing – because she loves travelling the world as much as I do. I’m planning a cruise for 2025 – I don’t know where exactly yet.

Thank you dear Laura.

I wish you many more wonderful, inspiring journeys. Have a good time with us at Chesa Monte and, above all, a successful apprenticeship and the corresponding degree.

Carina Winkler

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